Avinash Kumar
Head of International Projects - KTH – International Development Projects
Who are you?
I am Avinash Kumar, International Project Coordinator at KTH, EWB. I am from India and did my Bachelor’s in Mechanical Engineering from Amrita University, India and TU Munich, Germany (Exchange Student). I worked at Motius GmbH for a year and am currently doing my Masters in Sustainable Energy Engineering. I love cooking, travelling and being up-to-date with the latest technology.
Why did you choose to get involved with EWB?
EWB, provides me a platform to grow and share my knowledge internationally and get an exposure of professionalism. With links from various companies and students, it provides a perfect blend of opportunities.
What does the International Project Coordinator do?
My role as an International Project Coordinator is to guide project teams through the project process, maintain contact between the project teams and the National Projects Board, reviewing and leaving feedback on other local groups’ projects and contributing to the continuous improvement of EWB’s international projects.